DC Fusion Center
The Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department has relied on RealityVision® to help them protect the President of the United States, public officials and the general public during major public events in the nation’s capital.
Protecting the President
Inauguration Day 2009 was one of the biggest security events in U.S. history. Fighter jets patrolled the skies. The U.S. Coast Guard patrolled the waterways. Although thousands of law enforcement agents and military personnel policed the streets, they were vastly outnumbered by the almost two million spectators.
The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department played a critical operational role in securing the Inauguration events, and they turned to RealityVision to act as a force multiplier. RealityVision was used in the field by hazardous assessment teams and explosive response teams. Using only mobile phones and regular cellular coverage, they were able to stream live video back to the Police Department’s Intelligence Operations Command Center for immediate analysis and redistribution.
Protecting the Pope
The Metropolitan Police Department also turned to RealityVision during Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Washington, DC in April 2008 to obtain enhanced situational awareness from multiple sources, including:
- Police officers stationed in the Papal motorcade, along the parade route and at other locations streamed live video and their GPS coordinates, allowing the command center to see precisely what those officers were seeing. The command center was able to track the motorcade’s movements and to share critical information the officers needed to do their jobs.
- Undercover units were able to create and share actionable intelligence about suspicious field activities and other potential threats. In one instance, a police officer used RealityVision to demonstrate that a report of violent protestors was not accurate, allowing the remote command center to focus resources elsewhere.